
The t9602 extension connects to a T9602 sensor over I2C to gather temperature and humidity readings.

This extension does not take an extension level config and is focused on interfaces.

Sensor Interface

Provides a sensor that returns T9602 readings.

key[String]YesUnique slug id for the component
address[String]YesI2C address as integer to use on board Defualt: 0x28 = 40.
name[String]NoFriendly display name of component. Useful for UI.

Config Examples

Here is a config of a complete t9602 sensor.

"sensor": [{
    "key": "t9602_sensor",
    "interface": "t9602",
    "address": 40,
    "name": "Climate Sensor T9602"


Here is an example of the data returned by the sensor:

    "temperature": 50,
    "humidity": 64