Configuring MudPi

MudPi loads everything it needs from a configuration file. This file can be a JSON or YAML format. MudPi by default looks for a file in the root folder named mudpi.config. You are free to locate this file elsewhere and with a name that you choose. To tell MudPi what config file to load you can use the --config flag when you run MudPi. mudpi --config /path/to/youconfig.file

MudPi will only load components and extensions found in this configuration file on boot. There should not be empty or null values in this config file. Instead the option should be omitted if it is not used. Place the core configs in the mudpi key.

Here is the barebone structure of the configuration file.

  "mudpi": {   
    "name": "MudPi Testbench",
    "debug": false

You can see there are two sections to the minimal configuration file. Currently name and debug are the only required options.

MudPi includes an example configuration file to get you started. You can find this file in the installation root named mudpi.config.example. You should use this as a reference when creating your own config file.

There are also included examples you can find at mudpi/examples which contain config files as well.

General Settings

name[String]YesName of the system. Mainly here for labeling the system and to pull for a UI.
debug[Boolean]YesIf enabled, MudPi will output more information while the system runs. More information about the startup sequence and each of the cycles will be output.
unit_system[String]NoA string for measurement units. imperial or metric.
location[Object]NoDict containing latitude and longitude
events[Object]NoEvent adapter configurations

Basic Test Configuration

Try booting with only the core configs in order to see if all the dependencies have been installed and if MudPi will successfully run. Below is an example of a configuration I have used to test the system.

  "mudpi": {   
    "name": "MudPi Testbench",
    "debug": false,
    "unit_system": "imperial",
    "location": {
    "events": {
        "redis": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 6379
        "mqtt": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "admin"

Here is the same config in YAML format:

  name: MudPi Testbench
  debug: false
  unit_system: imperial
    latitude: 22.526
    longitude: -19.043
      port: 6379
      host: localhost
      username: admin
      password: admin


If your having trouble getting your configuration file to load make sure to look closely at your value types (i.e. "10" is not the same as 10). Make sure there are no empty settings values, option settings should be removed rather than left empty/null. Check all your quotes, colons, commas, brackets, parenthesis and capitalization.