If you plan to use python (which you probably are) you will want to install pip to help with package managing. Most python packages can be installed with pip.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
I also like to spice my terminal up to something with some color. This package Oh My ZSH is great open source update to the default terminal.
You can install it with the following commands.
sudo apt-get install zsh git
wget <https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh> -O - | zsh
chsh -s `which zsh`
You are now ready to install MudPi on your system. Head on over to the getting started page of the documentation for the next steps.
✔ | Preparing the SD Card | 4:02 |
✔ | Booting Up & Configuring Raspbian | 4:48 |
✔ | SSH and SSH Keys | (Video Coming Soon) |
4 | Updating Python on Raspbian & Installing Useful Packages | (Video Coming Soon) |