MudPi Configuration Tool

Customize your garden layout and sensors for each node. Click export when your finished.

Basic Details

General settings for the system


Configuration for redis server. (Used to store and publish sensor data)


Configuration for the socket server provided by MudPi.
{{serverEnabled ? 'Server Enabled' : 'Server Disabled'}}
Use a port that is not already reserved by other applications.


Configure sensors attached to your raspberry pi.

Basic Camera Settings

Configure the camera attached to the raspberry pi including where it to save files and how often.
{{cameraEnabled ? 'Camera Enabled' : 'Camera Disabled'}}
Ensure that this directory has the proper permissions.
This is used by redis and sockets to communicate camera events.

Taking Photo Every: {{camera.delay.hours}} Hours {{camera.delay.minutes}} Minutes {{camera.delay.seconds}} Seconds

Photo Size: {{camera.resolution.x}} x {{camera.resolution.y}}

Width in pixels.
Height in pixels.


Configure sensors attached to your raspberry pi.


Configure sensors attached to the rasberryPi.

{{sensor.type}} Sensor [{{}}]

On Pin {{}}

{{sensor.type}} Sensor [{{}}]

Pin Already Assigned on This Pi
Value will be stored in redis with key: {{" ", "_").toLowerCase()}}


Configure relays attached to your raspberry pi.


Configure relays attached to the rasberryPi.

{{}} [{{relay.tag}}]

On Pin {{}} ({{relay.normally_open ? 'NO' : 'NC'}})

{{}} [{{relay.tag}}]

Pin Already Assigned on This Pi
This used for friendly display only.
Current state will be stored in redis with key: {{relay.tag.toLowerCase()}}_state
{{relay.normally_open ? 'Normally Open' : 'Normally Closed'}}


Configure slave nodes [ardunios] attached to your raspberry pi.

General Settings

General Node Settings for the attached ardunio.
Use "ls /dev" command on your pi to list all device connections.


Configure sensors attached to the ardunio.

{{sensor.type}} Sensor [{{}}]

On Pin {{}} [{{sensor.is_digital ? 'Digital' : 'Analog'}}]

{{sensor.type}} Sensor [{{}}]

Pin Already Assigned on Same Device Address "{{node.address}}"
This value will be used as a key to store the reading.
{{sensor.is_digital ? 'Digital' : 'Analog'}}
Remove {{}}

No Slave Nodes Currently Added


Config File

Save this config file in the root of your MudPi installation as mudpi.config. Please be sure to remove empty values the exporter may have left. Also check for numbers with quotes as that will probably cause config issues.
